Wobbly World
Wobbly World is a group of internationally recognized musicians in a powerful and unique collaboration. Founded by guitarist Freddy Clarke, the music is an ethno-layering of melodic, rhythmic and poetic ideas from several very different musical traditions that fit powerfully into a brilliant new sound and a joy-filled celebration of international musical synergy. The music is a refreshing mix where each player brings a contrasting musical tradition, yet the music flows and soars with a deep sense of cohesion. We all know that our environment is tenuous, international politics are fragile; it's a Wobbly World out there. But these musicians have made something strong, dynamic and beautiful in response. The Eastern and Western scales have rarely sounded so natural together.
The unity of music speaks to the unity of life. The freedom to enjoy music without borders leads us to enjoy people without borders. Freddy Clarke calls it Extra Century Perception. It is the energy that spins Wobbly World.
When Wobbly World plays it is almost as if the musicians are asking, "If we can bring our music together so beautifully, what else could people from all over the world create together?" Their ideas and themes are modern, whimsically individual and yet they directly explore the big issues of the environment, personal freedoms and the struggle against bigotry.
The band is committed to being the embodiment of the world in successful collaboration.
Home Base: San Francisco