San Francisco-based Supermule is a collective of players who represent a wide rangeof influences, but have found common ground in the forms and themes of traditional American music. Building on this shared passion, the individual members each bring their own perspective and contributions to the band’s unique sound.
Supermule raids America’s musical pantry to concoct a tasty blend of fresh, rootsy ingredients. Liberal amounts of jazz, bluegrass, classical, and rock are used in varying proportions. One song is a thick, rich gumbo, the next is fluffier than Grandma’s buttermilk pancakes. The fruitful collaboration between members belies that old saw about too many cooks in the kitchen.
Mixing traditional bluegrass instruments like banjo, guitar, and fiddle with keyboards, drums, and horns, Supermule focuses on those areas where different musical strains intersect. Band members are Rich Armstrong-horns, vocals; Michael Carroll- drums; Jim Chayka- banjo; Mike Emerson- keys; Alisa Rose- fiddle, vocals; Zach Sharpe- bass; and Yoseff Tucker- guitar, vocals.
Supermule continues the spirit of innovation and experimentation to create — as did so many pioneers in American music — a hybrid music that is simultaneously traditional and revolutionary.
Home Base: San Francisco