Steven & Marina
As an ex-gymnast and wrestler, Steven Delaney has been a mover since a young age. After discovering circus arts, he combined forms of movement he studied such as gymnastics, capoeira, rock climbing, ballet and modern dance into a style of acrobatic flow. This passion combined with the dynamics of partnership led him to a specialty in partner acrobatics.
Marina Mendoza started gymnastics at age three and has enjoyed being upside down and airborne ever since! In 2010, she ran away with the circus, performing in Japan’s Pop Circus with an Australia-based flying trapeze troupe. She then returned to the US and expanded her repertoire to include teeterboard and Russian swing with the Gamma Phi Circus in Illinois. She’s currently training with Master Lu Yi’s new troupe, ACROSANCT, and specializing in partner acrobatics.
Home Base: San Francisco