Siamsa le Cheile
Siamsa le Cheile, is a Scottish and Irish dance and music troupe based in Northern California. They perform at many Renaissance faires, Celtic festivals, and other events.
They could be described in the simplest of terms as a dance troupe... but they are really much more than that. They practice the traditional music and dance of Scotland and Ireland, and they all share a love of traditional Gaelic culture. Many of their members have made serious study of traditional Gaelic arts, and they try to pass on their love of the arts and traditional folk cultures through their performances.
Continuing these ancient traditions is very important to them, and they also come from varied contemporary backgrounds. Their members have earned academic degrees in history, theatre, anthropology, psychology, business and medicine. Many of their members are still in school, and are enjoying ways to combine their love of traditional Gaelic culture with modern academia.
Home Base: San Francisco