Ross Travis
Ross Travis is a Chinese pole acrobat, bouffon and physical comedian. He has a company called Antic in a Drain which in 2014 developed its first show The Greatest Monkey Show On Earth as Artist in Residence at the Circus Center of San Francisco. The show went on to tour the Edmonton and Vancouver Fringe Festivals in Canada where it was awarded with the inaugural Artistic Risk Award at the Vancouver Fringe and received a four star rating from Global News in Edmonton.
As a circus performer specializing in Chinese pole, an apparatus he studied for five years with Master Teacher Lu Yi at the Circus Center of San Francisco. Ross has toured with Circus Bella, San Francisco’s premiere one ring circus, performing in parks all over the Bay Area. He also performed with Sweet Can Circus in their holiday show Mittens and Mistletoe. In October and November of 2013 Ross had a six-week contract to perform Aerial Pole and Acrobatics in Craniatrium with Firefly Theatre and Circus, an ensemble-based circus and theatre company based in Edmonton, Canada.
Home Base: San Francisco