Rhoda Draws
Rhoda Draws.
YES, that's her real name, since she made it legal in 2009.
Rhoda draws (and paints) in a variety of styles, mediums and venues. In all these areas, she works very fast: possibly to make up for lost time: entering high school she was told by an "advisor" that she was "too smart to be an artist". Rhoda spent the next 15 years trying to do what "smart" people do, and messing up. So, around age 30, she returned to her first love— drawing and painting.
As "Rhoda Draws A Crowd" she creates live caricatures at events, using either traditional colored pencils or Corel Painter software. Rhoda is the original West Coast digital caricature artist. As an official Corel Painter "Master" she has authored numerous books and video tutorials on the creative use of this amazing program.
Rhoda fills sketchbooks when she travels around the country and abroad, She teaches workshops to share her techniques for "Sketching Fast & Loose," showing students how to draw what they see quickly with a few basic art supplies.
Rhoda's newest offering is LIVE event painting, which combines her speed, figurative and caricature skills as well as her lively public personality. She creates an acrylic painting on-the-spot at a corporate or charity event, which can be auctioned off or simply provide entertainment to those who attend.
Home Base: San Francisco