Pi Clowns
The Physical Comedy Troupe is a collective of clowns not easily forgotten. They are one part Charlie Chaplin, one part Saturday night live, and an anvil’s weight of Looney Toons. Their crazy characters and high level circus skills have been known to induce labor. Really, she laughed that hard.
For the last 7 years Pi has been creating new and innovative works of theater and sketch comedy. Pi has had the distinct pleasure of performing with Teatro Zinzani, Palo Alto Children’s Parade, The San Francisco Circus Center, Clowns Without Borders, Canadian Fringe Festival, The Tini Tinou International Circus Festival, and Cirque Du Soleil.
Pi has helped create an ambiance of fun and play at events for companies including: Target, Sunset Magazine, IBM, NAMCO, Paxton Gate, The Academy of Sciences, The De Young Museum, and The Society of Photo-Electronic Instrument Engineers.
Home Base: San Francisco