Oaktown Jazz Workshop
Based in Oakland and formed in 1994, Oaktown Jazz Workshops (OJW) celebrates jazz music as an American indigenous art form of profound artistic and cultural significance. A complex and enjoyable music as well as an important indicator of American history, jazz offers a rich legacy that has touched the lives of each generation and continues to be an important component of contemporary culture. Their purpose is to promote, preserve, and present this music so that all youth, and especially African American youth, develop a sense of ownership and pride in jazz music as a uniquely American cultural tradition.
Oaktown Jazz Workshops' Performance Ensemble features young musicians ages 12-18 who perform a variety of exciting and challenging jazz classics. Oaktown Jazz Workshops is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and its year round after school program passes on the musical language and traditions of jazz to the next generation of musicians. Youth learn from professional master musicians and perform for audiences throughout the Bay Area.
Home Base: San Francisco