Lee Presson and the Nails
Lee Presson and the Nails (also known as LPN) is a swing big band that originated in the San Francisco in October 1994. This popular and celebrated award-winning ten-piece high-energy jump-swing turbo-charged stage show band puts on the zoot-suits and performs the biggest big band show and dance party.
The band differentiates itself from other bands of the late '90s swing revival by their wacky stage antics and the sinister appearance of bandleader Lee Presson. The show is now better than ever with new original songs, dance floor favorites, stage theatrics, comedy and additional songs from the lovely lady of swing, Ms. Leslie Presley. The San Francisco Chronicle described LPN in 1996 by coining the term "Goth Swing." They won a California Music Awards in 1998 for best Swing/Cabaret act and have released four CDs to date, three of which are still available.
See for yourself why the clubs and concerts are packed as LPN dazzles audiences from coast to coast with a wild jump style. Lee Presson and the Nails is excellent for any audience and every event, with a wide demographic appeal and an unforgettable stage performance.
Home Base: San Francisco