Johnny Wu Magic
Johnny Wu truly offers a refreshing take on magic using up-to-date technology such as social media to enhance his magic. Real magic is not just card tricks but an experience that genuinely leaves your audience speechless. Being able to use his extrasensory perceptions to pinpoint the audience’s thought process, Johnny has achieved what true “Magic” should really be. Putting all his heart and soul into magic, his high-class comedy, climax building, telepathic ability, and audience interaction are the keys to his master showmanship.
For the past 15 years Johnny has been obsessed with close-up and stage magic. Johnny has mastered the art of magic with comedy. His perfect, clean comedy is suitable for all corporate conferences, sales meetings, holiday parties, and trade shows. The audience is GUARANTEED to be in awe as Johnny performs seemingly impossible tricks while getting teary-eyed from laughing!
In both small, intimate settings and large events, Johnny has performed for many celebrities including Jamie Foxx, Jessica Alba, Jaden Smith, Paris Hilton, Marshmello, Paul Pierce… and many more! They all had the same comment, this is the best magic they’ve seen!
Home Base: Los Angeles