Diva Galactika
Rooted in physical theater, Diva Galactika (formerly Danger Ha Ha!) combines stilting with modern dance, character work, fire juggling, and vocal harmonies to initiate a new form of multidimensional performance. In the past ten years, this innovative performance troupe has become one of the West Coast’s premiere stilting and performance companies, known for its “dancing on the edge of danger” style. Whether creating site-specific ambience, choreographed performance, or hosting parades with enchanting pageantry, Diva Galactika! has performed at concerts, festivals, corporate parties, and special events all over the West Coast, captivating audiences with compelling beauty and undeniable daring.
Diva Galactika is dedicated to creating innovative stilt-based performance filled with awe-inspiring movement, stunning visual candy, and exotic thought provoking dynamics that encourage audience participation and community ritual. They work collectively, fostering a growing vocabulary of structural improvisations that enhance individual and group projects. They are driven to push the limits of the performance envelope by exploring the alchemy of movement, voice, engaging costumes, characterization, and fire.
Home Base: San Francisco