Capacitor Dance
Born out of the collision of cultural influences found only in the San Francisco Bay Area, Capacitor's performances explore the patterns and relationships inherent in nature and the cosmos. Through dance, interactive video, cirque nouveau, live music, and large-scale movement sculptures, Capacitor humanizes abstract scientific concepts, transcending cultural barriers and widening the scope of basic human experience for audiences of all ages. When dance expresses a story filled with human joy, suffering, growth, love, death, loss, you can be transported to another time and place, and when dance is combined with science, you can be connected to the world we live in in a beautiful, transformative way.
Capacitor is a one-of-a-kind dance company that successfully marries art and science to create something entirely new. They work directly with scientists to explore concepts, whether it be the rain forest, the ocean, down to flower reproduction and inter-species relationships. They then create a unique view of these concepts, so that each petal, each stage of growth, and every movement is expressed in costume and dance. Their shows often leave the stage to hang suspended from the ceiling, with bodies winding around a huge metal movable sculpture like tendrils of a plant exploring their environment for the first time. Capacitor has reached many different types of people, both those looking for culture and those interested in science. They performed at the TED conferences in 2009, as well as at Burning Man, the opening of SFO Terminal 2, and science museums around the country, just to name a few venues.
Home Base: San Francisco