Amber Rae
Amber Rae is the bestselling author of Choose Wonder Over Worry: Move Beyond Fear and Doubt to Unlock Your Full Potential (Macmillan), a columnist for SELF magazine, the creator of the global art movement The World We Want, and an artist, teacher and speaker on creativity, emotional wellness, and personal growth.
Amber Rae speaks to audiences across the globe about moving beyond the worry, fear, and doubt that stifle our creativity and potential. Combining raw and relatable stories, actionable advice, compelling research, and interactive exercises, she designs custom experiences that empower audiences to be brave and take action.
As an artist, she use art as a vehicle to normalize emotions and help us feel less alone. She’s created interactive and public art exhibitions in twenty countries across the globe.
Formerly, as Seth Godin’s “Chief Evangelist,” she helped him launch six best-selling books, and worked with brands like Apple, Dove, and Kimberly-Clarke on their global marketing campaigns.
Her work has been featured in The New York Times, NY Mag, ABC World News, Forbes, TIME, Fast Company, Fortune, Inc., BBC, Mind Body Green, and Tim Ferriss's blog.
Home Base: New York