Alysia Michelle James
Alysia Michelle James has been a dancer all her life and a composer for more than half of it. She studied music at UCSB's Creative Studies Music Composition program in Santa Barbara and was offered a scholarship to continue her composition studies at the prestigious Mill College in Oakland but turned down this chance to become a professional aerialist and write music for the Earth Harp, the largest stringed instrument in the world, invented by William Close. Her music has been featured in film, ballet, plays and circus acts. She has been a performance artist for the past four years and has worked with Lucent Dossier, Kaya Experience, Opulent Temple, Fire N Ice Entertainment amongst numerous other groups and private parties. A dreamer, lover, artist and all around performer, she is a spectacular creature to behold.
Performance skills include: Aerial tissu, lyra, rope and hammock; Pointe, lyrical, hip hop, pop and lock, ballet, jazz and African dance; Fire dancing with poi, fans, hoop and cups; tumbling and contortion.
Home Base: Los Angeles