Abigail Munn
If Abigail’s parents had known what would happen, they might not have taken her to see the Pickle Family Circus that day. But they didn’t, and as the beautiful woman in the sequined outfit took her place on the trapeze, four-year-old Abigail knew what she would do with her life. Thinking it might be a passing fancy, her parents enrolled her in a circus class. The passing fancy became a life’s ambition and, realizing that they had actually encouraged this behavior, her parents had no way to fight against the artist they created. Abigail has always swung from the trapeze in her mind.
This makes it sound easy, as if she was able to half twist to ankles from twenty feet up in the air from day one. This is not the case. Training for this kind of art is no laughing matter, even if it does take place at a Circus School. Few realize that besides having an intimate knowledge of sequin appliqué, a trapeze artist must be strong, precise and, above all, brave. These are not routines performed a few feet away. You have to lift your eyes to witness such feats.
Static trapeze is not the high-flying variety you've come to associate the word with. It's a dance of great beauty and strength. Abigail's style of glamour and showmanship is classic. Long limbed and graceful, Abigail blows kisses from high above. Like a four-year-old child, you will fall in love with the trapeze again. Step right up.
Home Base: San Francisco