Mark St. Mary Louisiana Blues & Zydeco Band
Mark St. Mary's Louisiana Blues & Zydeco is a 5-member band that plays Traditional Louisiana Blues and Zydeco Music. They were awarded the "Best Zydeco Band" in 2007 by Bay Area Blues Society. Mark's been playing his traditional style of Zydeco music since the age of 15, and his music is so infectious that, once the band starts to play, the crowd does not want them to stop, yelling "Play One More" over and over.
Mark sings in both English & Creole French. His band prides itself on being able to give the crowd a variety: Zydeco, Blues, R&B and even a lil' Country. In Northern California Mark has been dubbed 'King of the Delta.' Followers of this music love the excitement it brings and the joy they get from dancing to it, be it Waltz, Two-Step, line dance or a down-home Flat-Foot Zydeco. They play Festivals, Mardi Gras, Weddings, Anniversaties, Private Parties, Corporate Events, New Years, and more. With Mark's Gift of Gab he comes prepared to really put on a show, keeping you up on your feet. The band guarantees to keep you entertained, keeping the Skirt-tails floppin' and the Cowboy boots stompin'.
Home Base: San Francisco