Cristina Tudor - Fashion Sketch

Cristina's story began in a land far, far away ... called Europe.

For as long as she can remember she's loved stories. Stories like those told by old black-and-white movies, classics like Gone With the Wind, Sabrina, and Casablanca from the 40’s and 50’s. As a little girl, she was always drawing princesses in gowns and tiaras, captivated by the fashion and style in those timeless movies, creating her own stories. Her school notebooks were full of sketches, tucked away in the back pages or mixed in with her class notes. She got lost for hours in her own world, in her room, creating, drawing, designing her own clothes and jewelry. Fashion in some form or another has always been Cristina's own way of expressing herself, a creative outlet and her way of telling her story.

After becoming an architect her drawing skills evolved. A new world of spatial relationships, proportion, form, scale, volume, rhythms opened up to her. A whole new story. An architecture story. Yet her love for fashion always remained a constant, like an old friend.

In 2011 Cristina started painting with watercolors. Her fluid intuition took over once again, and she allowed her old friend, fashion, to bring back happy childhood memories of getting lost in the feeling of creating without boundaries. In 2016, she also began painting portraits live, in person, excited and fearful at the same time, but willing to push herself out of her comfort zone. She found that capturing a gesture, a moment in time, with her brush and paints, brought much joy and happiness to others. It made those whose portraits she painted remember that snapshot of their life and the story behind it.

Cristina finds so much fulfillment in seeing someone's reaction when they see the portrait she's painted of them. Be it a bride on her wedding day, a behind-the-scenes glimpse at a fashion show, an entertainment party or an exciting destination event, she loves that her fashion illustrations and portraits that she paints on the spot can bring back memories about a special moment for years to come! Memories about one’s hopes and dreams that reflect a personal story, just like her own.

Entire Productions- Entertainment for Social and Corporate Events.

(415) 291-9191

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